1985 Yamaha XJ700 Maxim X
A keeper
* Cleaned and synchronized the carburators.
* Cleaned and coated the gas tank.
* New tires.
* Use Yamaha motor oil and filter.
Slight clunk when shifting from first to second. Others gears are OK.
Headlight beam shudders under acceleration at night.
Great acceleration and braking (previous owner did the brakes).
Can be slow to fire up when cold.
General Comments:
A nice cruiser, and not too many around.
Seating is too upright for day trips. Need frequent rests to get the kinks out of one's back.
I like it.
Would you buy another motorcycle from this manufacturer? Yes
Review Date: 2nd April, 2009
21st Apr 2009, 15:18
I have 70,367 miles on my 85 Yamaha Maxim X, and it's still going strong.