General Comments:
This bike is the most fun ride I have ever owned. I bought one to train on when I first started riding. I loved the handling and the responsiveness. I moved onto a bigger bike (Honda Shadow 1100) after T-boning a truck that pulled out in front of me.
I liked that bike, but it was a little slower on the handling being a cruiser. I purchased a Honda Shadow Saber 1100 to replace that one due to the shorter rake and lower seat height. I was looking for a little better handling. It was better, but it still missed the classic flare and handling of the CM400C. I sold it once kids started coming back in 2004.
So now, 11 years later, I have decided to get back to riding. In my search on the sale sites I came across another '81 Honda CM400C. What are the odds. I had to gobble it up, if only for reminiscence sake. I am pleased to report, she did not disappoint.
The handling is exactly as I remember. She turns on a dime and gives you the change. I do miss the power that the 1100 possessed, but I am willing to overlook that for the comfort and handling that she offers in return. City driving is a dream. The low torque clutch and the ease of shifting is welcomed. The controls are right where they belong to operate naturally, with the exception of the high/low beam switch. I prefer the newer rocker style than the slider switch that exists.
I would say to anyone that rides, you have to sit on one of these to appreciate the styling and engineering that went into its creation. And to those who would like to take up the sport, you could not go wrong by making this your first bike. You will fall in love with her quickly. I highly recommend it to anyone, whether a seasoned rider or a novice, a collector or a trader.
8th Jan 2018, 22:44
Thanks for taking the time to review the motorcycle.