General Comments:
This bike is smooth, a great handler, looks awesome, and has the right amount of power that can handle any situation. The seat even seems comfortable.
Handlebars are widely spaced, however, I have long arms, so they are perfect for me. The bike puts you into a very relaxed position... can't wait for the big summer cruise around the Olympic Peninsula and Vancouver Island.
I wanted a bike that had the power, but would still get 50 mpg... this bike has it all... fuel injection, shaft drive... and a cruiser... no other bike could compare to it... the best bargain out there!!!
12th Sep 2009, 23:33
I just looked up the 2010 M50 and you're right about the new styling. The M190R are ugly as hell, I don't know what those crazy people at Suzuki are thinking.
Anyway, I'm looking to get a mid-sized cruiser as a second bike after I get all I can out of my Virago 250. It's still somewhat of a toss-up between an M50, the Shadow Phantom or V-Star 950. But, it'll come down to price.