General Comments:
This bike, for its size, has very good performance, outperforming bikes twice its size. It will outrun a Harley 96 cubic inch in a top gear roll-on from 50 mph. I have had it to a top speed of 120 mph indicated, 112 mph verified by GPS. This thing hauls. It is faster than my previously owned 1400 Intruder. In fact, it has a higher top gear roll-on top speed after 200 yards than any bike I have ever owned.
I get very good gas mileage, averaging 55 mpg, when driven at legal speeds.
It is fairly comfortable for rides not exceeding the capacity of the fuel tank.
Great around town, and OK on the highway, high frequency vibration being my only complaint comfort wise.
I am 6'2", 220 lbs, and I am comfortable for 3-4 hours in the saddle at a time.
I would have to rate it as one of the best values ever in motorcycling.
12th May 2008, 14:07
Update (2 weeks after purchase). I've put 400 miles on the bike now and here is my impression. The choke knob still sucks. I have to physically hold it out all the way (past the last click that will stay on its own) or the engine will die.
The seat is okay, but I find myself pushing my butt back into the curvature of the seat (or my arms are squished), so I am having a custom seat maker carve out the back a bit (and add a gel padding for $225). I am 5'8" with 30" inseam.
Power is great. Handling is great. Getting 50mpg.
Will add a memphis windshield soon.