General Comments:
This bike looks really great. I prefer the chopper look, and this is as close as you will get from Japan.
The big 1400cc engine makes more than enough power for the size and weight of the bike. I ride with guys who have bigger V-twin engines, and I can still make them eat my dust. I will say that I have added a set of Santee drag pipes and the sound of the bike has improved over the stock mufflers. I never cared for the stock sound of the VS1400 pipes. The Cobra slip-ons have a nice sound also.
The seating position of the bike is good for me. I am 6'2 and find that I can ride this bike all day. I should mention that my bike still has the stock seat, which I find to be perfectly suitable. I had a Virago with a similar looking seat, but it was horrible. This seat works.
The suspension is a shade soft. That is not a bad thing out on the interstate. It's not bad for cruising through the mountains as long as you just let the sport bikes pass you.
The brakes will stop you. But, typical for Suzuki cruisers, they squeak. I have a buddy with a 1500 Intruder and his squeak just like mine. It's a Suzuki thing.
I traded a Honda Valkyrie in for this bike, because I wanted a V-twin and the gas mileage was terrible on the Honda. To most people's surprise, I actually prefer this bike over the Valkyrie. The VS1400 is a bike that allows me to kick back and really enjoy a day in the mountains. Everything about the VS says lay back and enjoy the day.
I have owned about 25 motorcycles in 35 years of riding. Although none of them were perfect, this one suits my personality really well. It's got what I need when I need it and does it with no complaints.
22nd Nov 2010, 15:06
About the brake squeak. There is a very simple cure. Take out the pads and file a 45 degree champher (angle) on the leading edge. I always file the leading edge when I install new pads or if they begin to squeak, and in my experience, this solves it.