The bike was stored outside for a year or more before I got it.
The seat has a tear, but this item could be repaired easily.
I had to have the carburetors cleaned, due to the long period of disuse.
It is hard to start when the weather is cold.
I tipped the bike over while pushing it; put a smooth dent in one side of the gas tank; otherwise no damage.
Several times, early on, it stopped suddenly while cranking it over to start. Took out number four spark plug to check whether the head gasket was leaking and had filled the cylinders with antifreeze. Whoosh! Out came gasoline! Lucky I didn't burn the garage down. This must occur due both to a leaky vacuum valve on the petcock and a bad carburetor float valve. I have done nothing to correct this, and the problem has not recurred, recently.
General Comments:
The bike is very quick.
I like the sound of a four cylinder engine. This engine purrs with a very pleasant sound.
I use the bike for around town travel. I have put about 1200 miles on it since getting it.
The seat is not comfortable for a long ride. I have ridden about fifty or sixty miles at a stretch. Seat gets sore, but I am 81 years old; maybe that is the problem!
25th Apr 2015, 05:01
I agree almost 100% on the 1 through 10 score. Also, the bike is fast out of the hole, and has great pick up (even at high speeds) for its size. If I find another I'll buy it. My bike would get a wobble on the front at 120 to 130 MPH. Could have been the tire - not sure.
I've had many bikes. This was the best all around bike. Besides that wobble, this was the funnest and most reliable bike.