General Comments:
This is the 9th bike I've have owned since I was 16, and the fastest.
I was I little worried about the size when I first saw the bike, but I just had to have it.
I was very satisfied with the power it has. I just had to take it to a 1/4 mile track and see what it could do. Remember, I had only had this bike about a week when I did this. The owner before me jetted up the carburetors and put an after market pipe on it. When I took it to the track, it did 137 in the 1/4 mile, only hit third gear, and still had more in third gear before I would have had to shift it to 4th. I never got to shift it to 4th. Hit the finish line at 137 mph. Now that I have had the bike years, I think I could get 140 out in third, and probably would top out somewhere around the high 170's, not really sure how fast it will go, but maybe I will someday.
I'm very happy with this bike, and will never will get rid of it. It's a rare bike and there are not too many of them in the USA.
Not having a problem with it not holding the oil in it yet, but I'm sure someday it will, but that's OK.
27th Feb 2009, 19:53
I just bought this bike, but I will let you know. The person I bought the bike from souped up the engine. I will you guys know how fast she goes.