General Comments:
Very happy with this bike. It has a couple of minor issues, but not enough to remove the pleasure of owning it.
Down sides first. It really could do with another 10 or so more horsepower. There are times when it just needs that bit more punch.
Typical BMW gearbox, being a bit noisy, grabby and grainy. First and second are very tall. The gearbox could well do with better spacing between the ratios. Often find a false natural between 5th and 6th.
ABS on the rear brake cuts in very early and chatters away long before you would actually need it.
And the vision from the mirrors are rubbish! Slight improvement with additional blocks to gain width, but now it looks like a bit of a Muppet.
BUT, every time I ride this bike, it’s grins from ear to ear.
The parallel twin is a great motor that pulls like mad from 3000 up to 8000 rpm, and creates a lovely vibe through the bike.
It isn’t super fast turning into corners, but once started, it’s all in with unshakable cornering, feeling very stable and is hard to unsettle.
Very comfy for both rider and pillion. Did 320kms on last trip without putting my legs down once (yes, you can get that much out of a tank). Jumped off at the end of ride feeling great.
Low center of gravity, and being only 185kgs makes for a nimble machine, that is very user friendly.
Pannier system, although not cheap, is brilliant. I am amazed how much it will hold.
Love the belt drive. Can’t find any reason to have any other final drive on a bike like this.
Will own this bike for a while.
21st Nov 2008, 00:54
I have an S and it's great, but don't buy one without a warranty; too many recalls, but the dealers take good care of them.