General Comments:
This bike is awesome! Its my first bike and absolutely easy and fantastic to ride. It is the perfect beginners road bike. I would recommend this model to anyone that has never ridden before and want to start. I would also suggest using the CBX250 for your licence test as well, as it is much easier to maneuver on the testing course as compared to a larger bike.
The bike is very comfortable. Perfect for everyday commuting to work and back. The 16,5L tank goes a long way. However, after riding for a little while, I do now feel that the bike is a bit small and I will probably upgrade to a 600 or 1000cc in a years time.
Another problem is the wind factor. At 100km/hour, being a light bike, the wind tends to move the bike around, which causes you to lean more. But here again, fitting a small wind shield will sort this problem out.
Like any rider, once you have a small bike and after enjoying it for a while, you always look at stepping up a notch and upgrading to a larger bike.
I would recommend this bike as a first bike to any new rider, as it is easy to learn on and to get your riding up to spec, especially in heavy traffic. It will also prepare you for the bigger bike!
18th Nov 2010, 09:04
Good review.. I have a 1986 CBX250, which I am learning on. It's a fun and forgiving bike. Looks really good as well. Solid colour paint job is nice. Smallish fairing is good. 82,000 k's on the odometer, but with a replacement (low k's) motor. Overhauled the carby with a mate. Got the tyre pressure right. (ask an expert.. from memory was 32lbs on the front and 28 on back.. but do check). Starts easy, good size bike. As per the review, it's hard to find a new bike as enticing.