Nothing has really gone wrong with the bike.
I bought and put in a new cam chain when I first purchased the bike, but I knew it needed it when I bought it.
I have had a puncture and needed to replace the rear brake pads, oh, and the speedo cable, but that's it.
The bike is in great condition. I have had two of these previously, but this one is far superior to the others in condition. I had a guy ask if it was new at the lights the other day in fact, "Not quite" I told him.
General Comments:
As I have said, this is my third GPZ600r and for the money I think you would be hard pressed to get a better bang for your buck.
Including the other two previous GPZ's, I would have clocked up over 50,000km's on this model bike and find it to be comfortable, economical, cheap to own and run, and a great little bike. It's not the fastest thing out there, not by a long shot, but plenty quick enough to have fun, and in the right hands will not get to left behind by newer stuff either. I am very happy with it overall.
30th Nov 2008, 18:44
I had an 1985 one.
Bought used, frame was bent a bit, but it didn't bother me then :) Was a great step-up from a 350 guzzi.
I loved riding that bike. Probably one of the most underrated bikes around.
Engine is lovely, averaging about 50mpg. Seat was a bit on the restraining side, forcing the rider into one position that couldn't be changed.
Loved the handling, brakes (AVDS... stoppies anyone?).
After about 10,000 km (about 68kkm on the clock) the con rod bairing went. Took a while to get a new crank/conrods and bearings. But I never could completely remove all the metal shavings from that bearing from the engine. No matter how many times and what I cleaned the engine with.
Turns out the reason was a bad/weak oil pump. So my advice would be:
Get one, they're great, but PLEASE get a new oil pump installed. They can't be that expensive (got a used one from a gpz 550... it's the same one).