You need to have a good, fully charged battery. Even though this bike is a kick start, the battery needs to be strong enough to run the headlight AND supply spark. Charge it and you'll see. Then go get a new battery and it will run. I just went through the same thing. Mine is a 68 and it's 6 volt. I put mine on a battery tender about once a week, because these bikes are known for a weak charging system, especially if you use it as little as I do.
10th Sep 2012, 13:50
You need to have a good, fully charged battery. Even though this bike is a kick start, the battery needs to be strong enough to run the headlight AND supply spark. Charge it and you'll see. Then go get a new battery and it will run. I just went through the same thing. Mine is a 68 and it's 6 volt. I put mine on a battery tender about once a week, because these bikes are known for a weak charging system, especially if you use it as little as I do.