7th Nov 2011, 18:03
The 82 XJ750 does not have a choke, it uses an enricher valve on each carb (looks like the needle valve on the float). It opens up and dumps raw gas into the carb (makes it run rich), simulating a choke. The farther the choke lever is pushed, the farther these enricher needles open, and the more gas they let into the carbs, and the faster the engine runs. Try pushing the choke lever off and the RPM will drop. Also, look on top of the carbs, next to the cylinders, and see if they are closing all the way; you may have to adjust the cable. They are also noted for sticking if the bike has sat for several years.
7th Apr 2013, 10:50
I know your comment was two years ago but maybe this could help someone else reading. There is a wheel located between the number 2 and 3 carbs; it's your idle adjustment. Counter clockwise turns down the RPM, and clockwise ups the RPM.
7th Nov 2011, 17:58
The 82 XJ750 has been noted for that signal light problem.
First, try running your RPM up to see if it starts flashing; sometimes there isn't enough power to make the flasher operate. I traced this problem to the connector midway under the gas tank. The connections corrode (you will notice the white plastic is dark brown where it gets hot) and it gives a poor connection. I bypassed the connector and soldered the wires for a good connection.
It may be tough to change just the flasher, considering it has a canceller built into it. Try cleaning the connections in the plug under the tank first.