18th Aug 2015, 06:31
Dude.. The redline is ELEVEN THOUSAND. You've probably never even gotten into the power band. Floor it. Live a little. This bike will take a 7000 RPM beating down the interstate at 85 until you run out of gas twice and still be happy. You can cruise at up to probably 9000 and it's still fine. You're in sixth gear right? My buddy ran his V45 Magna at absolute top speed for an hour there and an hour back, a couple times a week, for months on end. Seriously doing over 100 the whole way. If that stupid Magna can survive that, the Genesis motor in your Fazer can survive 5000 RPM on the highway... Do you really think Yamaha would design a bike that can't cruise at a mere 60?
13th Aug 2015, 21:13
The Fazer has the Genesis motor, which is essentially a sport bike motor... 4000 RPM is very normal at 60 mph. I have a 1986 Yamaha Fazer 700 and a 1992 Yamaha FZR 600, and I ride them both the same as far as RPM. Normally you should just stay around the 4000-6000 range while cruising.